Girls RAP

Resolution and Prevention

Girls RAP Program

Girls RAP (resolution and prevention) is an intervention program that works with 12-18 years old girl-identifying youth using an empowerment framework.

  • Community-based RAP programming aims to work with youth who are involved or at-risk for involvement with the juvenile justice and adjacent systems.

  • School-based RAP programming aims to work with youth who may be experiencing challenges with or within the school environment (ex. Social interactions, connectedness to school culture, attitude towards the learning environment, etc.).

RAP uses empowerment groups to sharpen the youth’s social-emotional skills, support them in identifying and sustaining healthy peer and adult relationships, and support them with navigating girlhood.

Girls RAP participants receive 10 weeks of empowerment programming and individualized case management/goal support. Once they complete programming, they are enrolled in aftercare enrichment for 12 months. Youth who complete the Girls RAP program show increased social-emotional awareness and regulation skills and a positive attitude toward life and learning.

Thanks to Girls RAP, youth across Minneapolis are empowered with the strength, support and knowledge needed to make positive lifestyle choices and achieve overall wellness.

Have a referral? Complete our referral form here.

For more information, on the Girls RAP program and how it’s empowering youth across the city, please email or call 612-215-4123.