A Fun and Energetic Night for GenYWCA's Happy Hour

What a fantastic GenYWCA event on Wednesday night! The steering committee wasn’t sure what to expect for our second event, especially on a snowy winter night. However, the YWCA’s young fans blew us away as we had about 40 energetic young women and men attend. The group was enthusiastic and there were some great conversations. We've posted some photos on our Facebook page.The Boggle Blender game we created was a huge hit, and showed what a diverse and interesting group of members GenYWCA has. We learned that some have travelled to Estonia, Uganda and the Galapagos Island, and that there were majors in Native American studies, Social Informatics and Pharmacology among us. We had members who practice Norwegian dance, members who enjoy skydiving and others who have a love for curling and ping pong as Olympic sports. We also learned that GenYWCA members may have had some of the weirdest jobs in their past -- including a ketchup inspector, a gold-panning instructor, the bird mascot for Red Robin, a Radio Disney host and even a 411 operator!Overall, the room was buzzing, people were making connections, and there was plenty of "good" happening with $165 raised for the YWCA’s Early Childhood Education, in addition to the 20 children’s games and art supplies donated. GenYWCA Committee member Naomi Banks said it very well: "The GenYWCA Happy Hour event was not only a fun experience to mingle with friends and meet new ones, but also a great opportunity to learn about the amazing leadership role the YWCA takes in our community to support equal opportunity to all children to get an early start on a quality education."Special thanks to Anita Patel (the YWCA’s amazing VP of Racial Justice and Public Policy) for reminding us at the event the importance of investing in Early Childhood Education. I was surprised to learn that, for every $1 invested in early childhood education, the ROI is $17. Doesn’t take a finance major to figure out that’s a great investment.Our next event is Friday, March 2 at the Uptown YWCA, where it's Dodge Ball for all! Come play a fun game and mingle with all the ping-pong lovers, ketchup bottlers and Norwegian dancers that are GenYWCA members. All are welcome. Follow the YWCA on Facebook to stay in the loop for more info. We look forward to seeing you at future events!If you wish to be on our GenYWCA email list or become more involved, email Sarah Raser.

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