Are You Ready for Election Day?

Local Municipal Elections are Fast Approaching

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7 just days away!

YWCA’s Racial Justice and Public Policy Department is dedicated to providing information to members of the YWCA community on the importance of voting, early learning, youth development and racial equity.

  • YWCA Minneapolis is a nonpartisan organization; we support policies that help us fulfill our mission of "eliminating racism and empowering women, girls and youth." We do not endorse any one political party or candidate. YWCA, however, can support or oppose constitutional amendments.
  • YWCA Minneapolis' top priorities are access to high-quality, affordable, early childhood education and afterschool youth programs for all Minnesota.

If you’re eligible, we encourage you to exercise your right to vote. We also encourage you to be informed about the issues and candidates.

Why Should You Vote?

  • It's your constitutional right. Many people protested and advocated to get the right to vote, and some even lost their lives. To this day, there are still communities that can't vote. If you are a U.S. citizen, are at least 18 years old by Election Day, have been a Minnesota resident for 20 days, and have finished with all parts of any felony sentence, you can vote on Election day.
  • A vote is a voice! Every vote matters, and voting helps provide just representation of the people. And remember, elections don’t just happen every four years when we elect a President. Local elections are held every year, and these elections have major impacts on our day-to-day lives, from the quality of our roads and transit systems to the schools our children attend.
  • Voting is one of the easiest ways to advocate for what you believe in. Do you want something to change, stay the same, increase or decrease? Whatever it is, share it! You have a story that is powerful and worthy of being heard. No one can speak your experience better than you, and your vote reflects that.

Before casting your vote, review this voter checklist to help you prepare:

  • If you've never voted, if you've moved or changed your name since the last election or you haven't voted in five years, you need to register to vote or update your voter registration. You can register on Election Day at your polling place by providing proof of residence.
  • Find your polling place. If you plan to vote in person on Election Day, you'll need to know where to go! Most polling places are open 7:00am to 8:00pm.
  • Once you know where your polling place is, make your Election Day plan so you’re ready to vote. Think about how you will get to the polls and whether you need to take time off from work to vote.
  • See what's on your ballot. Before heading to the polls, use trusted sources to research the candidates you'll be voting for. Find out where they stand on issues that are important to you! You can even bring your printed sample ballot with your notes into the voting booth with you.
  • As a voter in Minnesota, you have many rights – get to know them before heading to the polls!
  • Connect with your networks about voting. Encourage three people to vote in the upcoming election and learn more about the candidates and ballot issues they’ll be voting on!

Thank you for supporting YWCA's mission and participating in our democracy!

Learn More About YWCA Racial Justice and Public Policy


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