Children's Yoga, Handprint Caterpillars, Mini Fruit Pizza and More
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic touches every aspect of our lives, we want you to know you and your family are not alone. This is an uncertain time for us all; staying at home for lengthy periods of time can be challenging for anyone, but especially for young children who may not understand why they can't visit their friends or family.Here are some fun activities to help your family adjust to this time. We'll be posting new ideas each week for ways you and your little ones can move, get creative and eat healthy while you are at home.
Visit our resources page for more helpful information on how to talk to young children about coronavirus, how to de-stress as a family and more.
When the weather is nice, get out and take a walk (reminder to keep six feet of social distance from others). Yoga can be very relaxing but also fun for children! Here are some yoga poses that will get the family moving:
Handprint caterpillars
This spring-themed art project is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
- Materials: Paint (green, blue, red and black) If you do not have paint, you can trace your child's hand and color it with markers or crayons.
- Construction paper or any type of paper you already have
Snack idea: Mini Fruit Pizza

- Crackers (example: Ritz crackers or something similar)
- Fruit like apples, bananas, oranges or whatever you may have
- Cream Cheese