Downtown Roof Construction Resumes April 6

The early warm temperatures are exactly what our construction crew was hoping for! It’s been four months, and the new roof layers that we installed last Fall have kept us warm and dry through winter. We are now ready to pour the final layer of concrete on the roof!The biggest impact to all of you will be in our parking lot. Beginning April 6, the construction crew will section off the back half of the parking lot for construction equipment until the roof is completed. We expect this phase of construction to last three weeks, but construction equipment will remain onsite until the project is complete. I will let you know when we have our new roof in place and all of our parking lot spaces available again.New Parking Guidelines for members and Early Childhood families go into effect beginning April 6. These guidelines will apply as long as the Construction Crew is onsite completing the roof. I will let you know when these parking rules change.View Health and Wellness member parking guidelines.View ECE parent parking guidelines.View visitor parking guidelines.Please note: During the week of April 13-17 the entire parking lot will be closed between 9 am and 3 pm. Members will be able to use Valet Service. Early Childhood Families are asked to use the lot before 9 am and after 3 pm for this one week only.The new concrete requires 28 days to cure – so it’s premature to schedule a roof party yet, but I look forward to having our rooftop spaces back soon!Thank you to all our members, families and staff for your ongoing support of the Downtown YWCA during construction. And thank you to the donors and elected officials who supported the Power to Soar campaign which provides the financial support for the renovation of our building.

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