How to Prepare for It’s Time to Talk: Forums on Race

Our future depends on our ability to develop new skills around inclusion and equity, understand the realities of racism today and commit ourselves to action. Each year, over 1,000 diverse leaders come together to move Minnesota forward through honest conversations about race at our signature event, It’s Time to Talk: Forums on RaceTM.

Through this event, participants learn more about the facets of racism, engage in dialogue with peers and are empowered to take action toward sustainable change. If you are joining us this year, here are four ways to prepare – mentally and emotionally – to get the most out of the event.

1. Recognize that conversations about race are uncomfortable, especially in our culture of “Minnesota Nice.”

Be open to learning and unpacking the source of your discomfort.

2. Be mindful that everyone is on their own journey when it comes to racial justice.

Some will be ahead of others in their knowledge of racial justice, while others might need to learn the basics. Please be patient and know that for some it might be their very first time talking about race. If you are new to discussing race, recognize the amount of privilege it requires to be able to avoid conversations about race and racism.

3. You might feel a host of different emotions, like frustrated, uneasy, angry, embarrassed or shut down.

We encourage you to acknowledge these emotions and work to understand where they stem from.

4. Do not expect marginalized communities to lead the learning.

This is a community effort; we all have something to contribute to the conversation and something to learn from each other.We look forward to all the meaningful conversations at this year's event.

Learn more about It’s Time to Talk: Forums on Race

Learn more about YWCA Racial Justice and Public Policy


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