Inspiring Well-Rounded Learners for Life

For young children to grow into successful, resilient, thriving adults, we need to teach them more than the ABCs. The whole-child approach is an educational philosophy that moves away from the traditional focus on only academic achievement.A young boy with brown hair looks toward the camera

Growing their Well-Being and Resilience

At YWCA Minneapolis, we use the whole-child learning approach to help children develop social-emotional, physical and cognitive skills and encourages children to gain positive self-esteem. This approach helps children grow their overall well-being.

Whole-Child Tenants

The tenants of the whole-child approach focus on helping children learn about healthy lifestyles, providing a safe environment, helping children stay actively engaged in learning, providing individualized support and challenging children academically.Our teachers provide children with positive learning experiences and children are given the opportunity to learn at their own pace. All YWCA Minneapolis teachers are encouraging and provide children with positive reinforcement.Two children stand at a child-sized table playing

Better Prepared to Learn

This learning approach is a natural way to help children develop and learn new skills. We believe that if a child has positive self-esteem, they will be better prepared to learn.

Setting Children Up for Future Success

Children and parents benefit from the whole-child approach because the positive experience at YWCA Minneapolis will provide the foundation for language, reasoning, problem-solving and social skills. This will help set the stage for children for their future development and success in school and in life.Learn more about YWCA Child CareSchedule a Visit


Power Girls Unite!: Torching, Wiring, Soldering and Exploring Nontraditional Careers


Spring Health and Fitness Goal Check-In