Participants Speak: What People Say about It’s Time to Talk

It’s Time to Talk: Forums on Race™ is the largest event of its kind. Over 1,000 diverse leaders from business, education, arts and community service come together to move Minnesota forward through honest conversation about race. For many, the event is eye-opening, informative and even emotional.

Each year, participants hear from a powerful keynote speaker or panelists who set the tone for the event, and then engage in conversations with their table about race and privilege, creating cultural understanding and working toward social change. Through this event, community members and coworkers become allies, advocates and friends, working together for racial equality and understanding.We’ve collected remarks from past participants to highlight their experiences, in their own words.

Uplifting and Encouraging

“This event was very uplifting. It encouraged me to be more involved and be a part of the change. It reminded me that I am not alone – there are plenty of people who are trying to bring about change.”

Authentic Discussion

“The moderator and panelists were genuine, setting the tone for a more authentic discussion at our tables. I left feeling inspired.”

A Necessary Event

“I am so grateful you made this happen for our community! I knew today's event was necessary, but being there today and hearing the discussion demonstrated how necessary it was. We need more events like this!”

Fascinating and Emotionally Moving

“The format was wonderful. There was plenty of time to talk about specific questions and issues as facilitated by our table guide, the panel discussion was fascinating and emotionally moving, and gave us specific stories to connect to when talking about our own experiences with racism.”


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