Resources for Your Antiracist Practice

Updated Thursday, August 27, 2020

Our mission to eliminate racism and empower women is bold and can feel daunting, especially after the way we have seen the brutality of racism claim another life, George Floyd, just blocks away from our YWCA Midtown location. We wanted to provide some resources on what you can do to engage in the work of eliminating racism. Although some of these resources may speak to one-time acts, remember that this a journey and working toward racial justice is a practice that must be committed to daily. There is no point of “arrival.” Some of these resources will speak to healing, some of these resources will speak to ongoing education and others will list ways that you can support initiatives led by people of color, including some in Minneapolis and the Twin Cities. This by no means an exhaustive list and we encourage you to continue to seek out resources even as the media attention around the murder of George Floyd fades. 

Support Local

ReCast Minneapolis (Project around trauma and healing)Resmaa Menakem (Author and speaker)Black Lives Matter (Organization)

For People of Color:

POC Online Classroom (Resource List)Solidarity Is This! Podcast (Podcast)

For White People:

75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice (Blog)Anti-Racism Resources for White People (Google Doc)White Fragility (Book)Seeing White (Podcast)

Other Resources:

CTZN Well (Wellness and Well-being)MPD150 (Organization on Alternatives to Policing)Me and White Supremacy (Book)

Mental Health:

Walk-In: Free counseling sessionsHennepin County Crisis Line:Adults: 612-596-1223, Children: 612-348-22331-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)  www.hopeline.com1-800-273-TALK (8255) www.suicidepreventionlifeline.orgIn addition to the resources listed above, you can join us for our next workshop or racial justice event and learn more about our Inc.lude Equity and Inclusion Consulting.Learn More about Racial Justice and Public Policy


We Must Work Toward Racial Justice


Celebrating the First Cohort of Eureka! Graduates