Stand in Solidarity with Our Neighbors

“The bosom of America is open to receive not only the Opulent and respected Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges…” -George Washington

While those words have guided our country and values for centuries, we have witnessed catastrophic erosion over the past week.Our community and our employees are experiencing pain and empathy for the thousands of families affected by the recent travel restrictions imposed on refugees and Muslims. We have seen the heart wrenching footage of children and families harmed by the attacks in war torn Syria. Syrian families are fleeing persecution and seeking safety for themselves and their children.Attacks across the world and our country against the Muslim community, most recently in Canada, further add to the pain in our hearts. Our Muslim families are exposed to hate speech and attacks on a daily basis and are no longer safe in their own mosques. The constant fear for their safety and loved ones is non-stop.We stand with resolve that our work to eliminate racism must continue without fail. Our collective strength towards our mission is one small step to continue strengthening our community.Please surround yourself with loved ones who will help you weather this storm. Invest in your well-being by spending more time exercising, practicing meditation, eating well and unplugging from social media.Reach out to a Muslim friend, neighbor or colleague to offer support, an authentic reaffirmation of how much you value your friendship, a “friendly ear,” and/or extend a random act of kindness. By offering support, you play a small role in brightening someone’s moment or day.YWCA Minneapolis stands for a fully inclusive community. Our commitment to the protection of women’s rights, human rights and civil rights is 125 years strong. We ask you to join us as we reaffirm our commitment to our mission and values, and stand in solidarity with our neighbors.

February is Heart Health Month, but YWCA Minneapolis Child Care Classrooms are Moving All the Time!


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