Thanks to YWCA, My Son Will Be Ready For Kindergarten

Bereket G. is the parent of two children, eight-year-old Henok and four-year-old Alen. Below he shares why his son attends YWCA Minneapolis Children’s Center at Hubbs Center for Lifelong Learning and the impact it has had on his family.

My family came from Ethiopia six years ago and we have found a home in Minnesota. When Alen was two years old, we started looking for child care. We asked friends and family for their advice, and they told us to visit YWCA.

A Place We Could Trust

That’s when we met Zebune, the Director at YWCA Minneapolis Children’s Center at Hubbs Center for Lifelong Learning. She led us on a tour, told us about the child care there and the scholarship available. I wanted a place we could trust and afford. What I liked about YWCA was the nutritious food, how they handled the kids and the educational approach they offered.

Learning to Write Words and Numbers

Alen has now been in YWCA Child Care for two years and he loves it. His favorite parts are the lessons and playtime. For preschool, the kids are learning a lot. They develop social skills and they learn to write their words and numbers. When Alen comes home, he tells me about what he’s learning and practices at home too.

Learning Social Skills

The biggest impact child care at YWCA has had on Alen is the continued development of his social skills. Before he came to school, sharing was his big problem. But at school, he learned how to communicate with others, how to socialize and how to share. Now, he can easily join in and play with other kids. Because of his time at YWCA, when he starts kindergarten, he will be ready.

Scholarship Help

The scholarship we were able to get has made this possible. Currently, both my wife and I are in school. I am in a software development program and my wife is in nursing school. I don't think we would be able to go to school without the help of this scholarship. Without it, one of us would have to stay home. Child care is very expensive and the scholarship covers 60 percent of the cost, so it really means a lot to us.

A Welcoming and Inclusive School

When I bring Alen to YWCA, he is always happy. Even after he finishes school, it is hard to take him home because he wants to stay. That shows me the teachers and facilities are good for him.Words cannot express the thanks my family has for each and every YWCA teacher and staff person who has been a part of our family for almost two years. Thank you for this wonderful environment you create in this preschool. My son is lucky to be part of such a welcoming, inclusive school.

Best Possible Start

My wish for my kids is that they can reach their maximum. That’s why we are sending them to good places, so they can excel in every direction. By sending my son to YWCA, I know he has the best possible start.

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