Top 10 Actions YOU Can Take to Become a YWCA Superhero

November 16 is Give to the Max Day, the annual day of giving in Minnesota! By donating to YWCA Minneapolis for Give to the Max Day YOU become a YWCA Superhero in support of the mission you care about: eliminating racism and empowering women.

Supporting Youth Like Louise

At YWCA Minneapolis it takes $5 million dollars of charitable gifts each year to carry out our mission. This allows us to serve girls like Louise who said this about her experience in YWCA’s Eureka! program:

“I no longer feel it’s simply me against the world. Now I feel as if it’s me changing the world.”

With your support, we can help youth like Louise be empowered to change the world and create bright futures.Thank YOU for giving to YOUR max and for becoming a YWCA Superhero!

Here are the top 10 ways YOU can become a YWCA Superhero!

1. Live YWCA’s mission by respecting and uplifting every person you meet. Promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.2. Speak up and speak out about injustice.3. Be proactive about building an equitable community through your actions. One powerful way to take action is to support a cause through donations.4. Take the time needed to support your physical and mental fitness. Check out a fitness class at YWCA.5. Listen to and learn from all people. Seek out books written by a racially diverse mix of authors, like A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota.6. Have conversations with others unlike you to make change. Practice using listening and empathy skills at events like YWCA’s It’s Time to Talk: Forums on RaceTM.7. Encourage a girl in your life to dig deeper into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).8. Learn about other cultures and how to talk about race. Attend a YWCA racial justice workshop or become a racial justice facilitator.9. Give a helping hand to someone in need. Sign up to volunteer at Financially support YWCA Minneapolis at the level of your passion to eliminate racism and empower women and girls.

Become a YWCA Superhero


Working Together to Create Anti-Bias Holiday Celebrations in Early Childhood Education


Golden Tickets and Matched Donations During Give to the Max