Top 10 Ways YOU Can Be the Difference!

November 11, 2020

November 19 is Give to the Max Day, the largest annual day of giving in Minnesota! By donating to YWCA Minneapolis, you can Be the Difference and support our mission to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.Our mission is a bold one. We envision a world of opportunity. We believe the boldness and the integrative nature of our work are vital facets of the larger practice of racial justice work in our communities. With your support, we will make a long-lasting difference in our community by working within systems of power to dismantle inequities for a more just Twin Cities. Together we will change the status quo and continue our long-standing work to open doors for all.

10 Ways You Can Be the Difference

  1. Live YWCA’s mission by respecting and uplifting every person you meet. Promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.
  2. Be proactive about building an equitable community through your actions. One powerful way is to financially support YWCA Minneapolis on Give to the Max Day.
  3. Speak up and speak out about injustice.
  4. Take the time needed to support your physical and mental fitness. Join us for our #GTMD20 Get Moving Challenge Nov. 19 at 8:00 am.
  5. Listen to and learn from all people. Seek out books written by a racially diverse mix of authors, like "So You Want to Talk about Race" by Ijeoma Oluo.
  6. Have conversations with others who are different from you. Practice using listening and empathy skills.
  7. Encourage a girl in your life to dig deeper into science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
  8. Learn about other cultures and how to talk about race. Attend a YWCA Racial Justice workshop.
  9. Give a helping hand to a neighbor. Sign up to volunteer at our Resource Hub.
  10. Participate in our Give to the Max Day events on Facebook!
    • 8:00 am – Get Moving Challenge: Join YWCA Minneapolis for a workout with our Health and Wellness team to get energized on Give to the Max Day.
    • 12:00 pm – Donor Impact Challenge: Donors are at the heart of what we do at YWCA Minneapolis. Watch with us to see how your donations are put to work!
    • 6:00 pm – Be the Difference Challenge: Watch Q&A with #ItsTimeToTalk keynote speaker Professor Khaled Beydoun, a leading thinker on national security, civil rights and constitutional law, bring awareness to Islamophobia and how deeply rooted it is in our society and culture.

Support YWCA Minneapolis on Give to the Max Day


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