Week Without Violence 2021: Beyond Resilience

Week Without Violence is part of a global movement with YWCAs across the country and around the world to end violence against women and girls. Not all violence is acknowledged or responded to equally and some victims go unrecognized altogether. That’s why, for more than 20 years, YWCA USA has set aside one week in October as a Week Without Violence. Join us from October 18 – 23, as YWCAs across the country hold events, share information and stories, and advocate with a common goal in mind: together, we can end gender-based violence.

Beyond Resilience: From Surviving to Thriving

This year, our Week Without Violence Campaign centers around a new theme: Beyond Resilience: From Surviving to Thriving!For survivors, resilience is central to weathering the mental, physical and emotional harm of gender-based violence and racism. Too often, survivors of domestic and gender-based violence are burdened by a focus on individual endurance through multiple and overwhelming sources of adversity. This normalizes their pain and exhaustion, putting the sole responsibility of healing on survivors who are trying to remain resilient through the burden of trauma. However, the unrealistic expectation that survivors must overcome adversity alone continues to stand in the way of individual and communal healing.During this year’s campaign, we intend to flip this script by moving the conversation about gender-based violence past an exclusive focus on survivor’s endurance, and instead towards centering healing, and renewing our collective commitment to addressing domestic and systemic violence as well as the root causes of trauma that feed into the cycle of harm.Together we can build a world where women, girls and communities of color are empowered and supported to move beyond resilience, from surviving to thriving.Join us during the Week of Action, Oct. 18 - 23. There are several virtual events held by YWCA USA and other YWCAs across the country. Below are a few highlights of the upcoming events. View all events here.

Preventing Violence in the LGBTQIA Community

A free, virtual training will be offered through Zoom and the YWCA McLean Facebook page to educate community members on how members of the LGBTQIA community are often overlooked in conversations of violence prevention due to the sociopolitical stigma around queer identities. This session will offer a brief overview of the pressures facing LGBTQIA youth of all backgrounds and offer suggestions on how to be more inclusive in prevention education efforts.Presented By: YWCA McLean CountyDate: Tuesday, Oct. 19, 12:00 - 1:00 pm CTLocation: VirtualCost: FreeRegister

Action Conversation on Race: Male Allies and White Accomplices

Observing YWCA Week without Violence, this Zoom-based panel discussion focuses on how men and white people can contribute to the elimination of racial and gender-based violence.Presented By: YWCA Greater PittsburgDate: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CTLocation: VirtualCost: FreeRegister

Ending Gender Based Violence: A Conversation about Effective Advocacy at Local, State and Federal Levels

Join YWCA Northwestern Illinois and Catherine Beane, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy at YWCA USA, for an informative discussion on advocacy and supports that impact domestic violence. As part of Week Without Violence, YWCA Northwestern Illinois is hosting Ms. Beane, who leads the YWCA advocacy department’s efforts to impact legislation and policy related to racial justice and civil rights, women’s empowerment and economic advancement, and women’s health and safety.Presented By: YWCA Northwestern IllinoisDate: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 12:00 - 1:00 pm CTLocation: VirtualCost: FreeRegister

Reimaging the Role of Resilience Town Hall

Join YWCA USA for a dynamic discussion that reimagines the role of resilience for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. By centering healing – including replenishment, rest and recovery – and addressing the root causes of trauma and systemic violence, we can disrupt the cycle of harm and open pathways for survivors to build thriving futures for themselves and their families.Presented By: YWCA USADate: Thursday, Oct. 21, 2:00 - 3:30 pm CTLocation: VirtualCost: FreeRegister


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