Women’s March Minnesota Attends YWCA It’s Time to Talk Event

On Oct. 17, I joined Women’s March Minnesota at the 15th annual and largest ever It’s Time to Talk: Forums on Race™ hosted by YWCA Minneapolis. This year’s event featured author Sun Yung Shin, editor of "A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota." Essays in this collection are movingly described as providing “insights on race that should challenge, discomfort, disorient, galvanize and inspire all of us to evolve now, for our shared future.”

Discussions of Racial Inequity

Attendees enjoyed a panel discussion, facilitated by Sun Yung Shin, as well as small group discussions to explore key messages and questions around racial inequity, white supremacy and our individual experiences of race.

My First Time Attending

This was my first time attending It’s Time to Talk: Forums on Race. I wanted to attend the event because I am impressed with YWCA’s racial justice work in the community and the idea for this event. I didn’t expect the event to be so big.

Listening to Personal Experiences of Racism

It was very moving when YWCA leadership shared real examples of insidious racism experienced every day like the story the President and CEO, Luz María Frías, shared about her daughter. It was powerful to hear the panelists share their experiences as well. It is inspiring and motivating to hear such practical and sometimes small but important ways that white people discriminate and convey racial bias. It is also important to hear ideas about white peoples’ role in confronting racism.

Supporting Efforts to Dismantle White Supremacy

Everyone from our table left feeling inspired and motivated to continue exploring the role that Women’s March Minnesota and our communities can play in support of efforts to confront and dismantle white supremacy. I personally left feeling that YWCA Minneapolis is an important leader in racial justice work in Minnesota. I hope to have more opportunities to learn from and collaborate with YWCA in the future as well as provide support for local artists and organizations mentioned at the event, like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) local chapter among others.

Continuing the Conversation

Please join Women’s March Minnesota in exploring the checklist provided by YWCA Minneapolis to help us continue on this racial equity journey in our own lives, communities and workplaces. We offer sincere thanks to YWCA Minneapolis for convening these conversations about race. We look forward to future opportunities to partner with YWCA Minneapolis to educate ourselves and affect change.

View Continue the Conversation Checklist


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