YWCA Children’s Center: "Friends Who Are Here for My Kids"

The Ahmed/Beyene family started at YWCA Children’s Center at Hubbs at the end of last September, almost 8 months ago. Agazit is in nursing assistant classes at Hubbs Center for Lifelong Learning, so for her it was a convenient spot for child care and a good opportunity for her whole family.Family at YWCA Child Care at Hubbs“I took child care classes at Hubbs, and that made me really appreciate the work the staff here do,” says Agazit.Agazit’s youngest, Amen is learning how to crawl in the infant room. He is very social and loves to smile. He loves to play on the water mat and is learning to play and interact with others in his class.Nathan is busy learning his way around the preschool room. He just transitioned to preschool last month and is into racing cars with his friends and building with legos.Keidus is the oldest and he is very social with his friends in class. He also likes to race cars and enjoys playing in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) area. “My oldest son always talks about how much he likes it, especially story time,” says Agazit. “The school is really good.”

“I know I have friends in the child care center who are here for my kids.”

For Agazit, it is a relief to know her children are being well taken care of, in a supportive learning environment: “I know I have friends in the child care center who are here for my kids.”Learn more about YWCA Children’s CentersSchedule a Visit


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