Membership Policies and Parking ↘

Policy Reminders

No Cell Phones or Cameras in Locker Rooms

To preserve all members’ privacy, we do not allow the use of cell phones or other electronic devices with photographic capabilities in the locker rooms. We want to avoid any members inadvertently being caught on photo or video in a compromised position. 

We will be increasing the number of staff who are walking through the locker rooms to help remind our fellow members of this policy.

Heat-Based Amenities

Our sauna, steam room and whirlpool are popular amenities, and your safety while using them is very important. 

As best practice, please remember to avoid using these amenities after strenuous exercise and if you have abnormal blood pressure or heart disease.  Adhering to a 15-minute on, 15-minute off protocol for these heated amenities will also help ensure that you do not experience any negative side effects while enjoying the benefits.

Parking Gate Information

Pay parking gates at YWCA Midtown are now activated. For your convenience, there are four pay options:

  1. Use a credit/debit card at the exit gate

  2. Use a pay station with cash/credit/debit card inside any our facility

  3. Request a stored value card

  4. Sign up for a monthly parking card

Please see the Member Services Desk at any location to request a stored value card, to sign up for a monthly parking card or to learn more about parking options.

Parking Information

Parking Fees

YWCA Parking Rates

Monthly Parking Card Information
For unlimited parking while using our facilities, you can subscribe to a monthly parking card with an automatic monthly debit withdrawal. When you set it up, you’ll be charged an initial $5 + tax to start. The monthly debit at the regular rate below will begin the following month.

  • First parking card on account: $15/month + tax

  • Senior rate (62+) for first parking card on account: $10/month + tax

  • Add additional cards for your household: $5/month + tax each

  • Parking cards for scholarship members: $0/month (Initial $5 + tax charge does not apply)

  • Replacement card fee: $15

To purchase a monthly parking card, visit the Member Services Desk.

Stored Value Card

You may request a stored value card at the Member Services Desk. Stored value cards can be loaded with funds at pay stations inside our facility and will give users an additional 10 percent discount on daily parking fees.

Early Childhood Education and Girls and Youth Program Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Parents and caregivers for Early Childhood Education or Girls and Youth programs will have a 20-minute grace period to drop off and pick up your child. If you require more time, you can pick up a validation ticket from your child’s teacher, program coordinator or counselor that will grant you an additional 20 minutes to exit the lot.