YWCA Minneapolis Will Not Enter into Agreements with MPD

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

We are like so many, outraged by the actions of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) in killing George Floyd.  We condemn their actions and we are calling for and demanding change. As an early leader in advancing racial justice work, last Thursday we reached out to Mayor Frey’s office requesting a meeting with him and Chief Arrandondo to discuss how we can help the MPD begin the difficult work of changing their culture. We still have not received a response to our request. We applaud the launch of a state investigation from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights into the culture, policies and practices of the MPD.  This is a good step, but it should not be the only step taken. YWCA Minneapolis does not currently have a contract with MPD and based on the city’s lack of response to our request for a meeting, we have made a determination that we will not enter into an agreement with them going forward. We will, however, continue to stand ready to help the MPD and any other person or organization wanting to change racist patterns and practices to do this work.As George Floyd’s family and friends are in town today to honor his life, our thoughts and prayers are with them in this tragedy.  Out of this tragedy, I hope and pray that change will happen. Not a little change, but a lot.Michelle Basham, MPA/ESQ.,

President and CEOYWCA Minneapolis

MinnPost Op-Ed: 'The work ahead: From sadness and anger to racial justice and healing"


Twin Cities Business Magazine: 'Businesses’ Role in Policing, Policy, and Change'