7 Nourishing Tips to Guide You Through Winter

January 14, 2021

The winter season has just started, and we still have a long way to go before it is over. With all of us stuck inside even more now, it can be a challenging time to keep up with your health goals. However, there are simple things that you can do to minimize the effects the winter season has on your goals, while still having fun and enjoying this time of year. The tips below will help you feel great and stay focused throughout the season.

1. Do not skip meals.

  • Many people think that it is as simple as less food = weight loss. However, meal timing is important too. Skipping meals often result in eating more later in the day.
  • Stick to your usual meal routine. This will make it easier to control your portions, while still enjoying some of your favorite foods.

2. Stay active.

  • Keep your workout routine going.
  • If you can’t fit in your usual workout, plan for a family activity like a walk after your meal or a game that includes movement.

3. Plan your meals and snacks.

  • When planning food make sure there are dishes that you feel good about eating.
  • Plan a vegetable-heavy side to keep your produce intake up to ensure you are balancing your meal with fiber and important nutrients.

4. Cook in bulk.

  • Cooking larger amounts can help save you time later in the weeks. You can use the leftovers as lunches or dinners throughout the week.
  • You can also freeze leftovers in pre-portioned containers.

5. Make healthy edits to your favorite family foods.

  • Making substitutions and healthy edits to your favorite dishes can offer a way to still enjoy them while staying on track with your goals.
  • For suggestions on how to do this, watch our Facebook video.

6. Use a smaller plate.

  • Using a smaller plate when dishing up your food can make your portions look bigger than they are.
  • We eat with our eyes just as much as we do with our mouths.

7. Eat slower.

  • Slow down the speed at which you are eating to be mindful as you enjoy your food. Savor the taste of each bite!
  • Check in with yourself and your fullness level every 5-10 minutes during your meal.

Begin your path toward better health, higher energy and improved quality of life with nutrition coaching! Meet with our registered dietitians virtually to discuss your nutrition goals, build a custom plan and learn how to make choices that lead to long-term success. BOOK A NUTRITION COACHING APPOINTMENT


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