A Cycling Class for Every Style: Soothing Jazz, Virtual Racing, DJ Dance Party + More

Riding with Smooth Jazz
Cycle 75 on Saturday mornings with Lisa gets my weekend started right. Behind the smooth jazz and Lisa's mellow demeanor is a nonstop, 75-minute ride.
Visualizing Your Energy
At Cycle 55 on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, Brian uses an app on the monitor that visually shows us how much energy to put in from minute to minute, as well as the song he is playing. Sometimes, Brian uses the Keiser software connected to the bikes to anonymously show us how we are each doing relative to the rest – and allows us to race each other anonymously.
Listening to Your Body
Cycle 55 on Monday evenings with Kara is an awesome class to come to after a Monday back at work. Kara encourages all of us to celebrate what our bodies can do, listen to them and modify when our bodies need it.
Dance Club with Chloe
Cycle 55 on Thursday nights with Chloe is like I'm at a dance club featuring DJ Chloe. She calls it Happy Hour and Friday Junior. You won't even know you've been exercising!And of course, Joe has quite a following on Sundays for good reason. My schedule doesn't allow me to attend Carrie's classes lately, but I have to say she was my first cycle instructor, and very helpful in getting me started!
Physically Strong through the Winter
Indoor cycling classes at YWCA have really enabled me to stay in great shape all year-round. When the weather warms and the snow is gone, I'm ready to hop on my road bike and physically strong enough for long rides right away.LEARN MORE ABOUT FREE GROUP FITNESS CLASSESLEARN MORE ABOUT YWCA FITNESS MEMBERSHIP