Carol’s YWCA Volunteer Story – Volunteering at Fundraising and Fitness Events

My history of volunteering with YWCA Minneapolis goes back to when I was working in North Minneapolis and I used to volunteer for the YWCA Girls and Youth Beacon program. I really liked working with the kids, but it was difficult to maintain a weekly commitment.

Igniting the Volunteer Spark

The spark of volunteering at YWCA really began when I participated in Endurance Sports. When I couldn’t do the Endurance Sports anymore YWCA asked me if I would be interested in volunteering. I’ve always been an advocate for this organization so it was an opportunity to do something to support them. For about four years I have volunteered for both the YWCA Women’s Triathlon and the winter-time Indoor Triathlons. My favorite assignment is giving tours for the Indoor Triathlons because I like talking to people. The tours are for people that don’t belong to YWCA and need to know where the pool, transition area and locker rooms are located, as well as answer any other general questions about the event.

Involvement in YWCA and Community

I’ve been an active member at YWCA for about six years. My sister and her husband are members at YWCA Uptown and my niece comes to the Midtown location. It just feels like family.In my spare time, I come to YWCA Minneapolis for the group fitness classes. I enjoy water aerobics and cycling. I’m also currently taking Spanish classes at St. Thomas and hope to go to Spain next year.I think it’s important to build community. Volunteering is an important aspect of building community and connecting with others. You’re building a better environment. I come to YWCA almost five times a week. It is something that grounds me. I want to support this place because it supports me; I also really enjoy doing it.

Flexible Volunteer Opportunities

Soon, I’ll be putting together packets for YWCA’s signature fundraising event Circle of Women. I will not be attending the event because it’s at the same time as my Spanish class, but I’m going to help Mary Salisbury (our Rock Star Volunteer Coordinator!) beforehand.I like volunteering for events where if I’m available on that particular day, I can come and do it. That is one thing that has really worked out well with volunteering at YWCA Minneapolis.One important, key part to me volunteering with YWCA is that, “I get asked!” You know, it seems like the simplest thing but I think a lot of people don’t volunteer because they don’t get asked. You can learn more about volunteer opportunities at YWCA Minneapolis below.

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Supporting My Community by Volunteering at YWCA


YWCA Celebrates Week of the Young Child