Cool and Confident Girls
Girls Inc. at the YWCA of Minneapolis holds workshops at the Midtown location on Minneapolis Public School release days. These workshops are always fun, for both the girls and the staff. They are held all day from 9:00 am-5:30 pm, so there is plenty of time to learn about each other, play games, ask questions, eat good food and bond with other fabulous girls and women!

On Friday, January 18, we hosted a dynamic group of girls at a workshop called "Cool and Confident." Each girl made a collage with images and words that help them feel cool and confident. Next, the group discussed how to create a hygiene routine, and how having a routine can help them stay cool and confident. After that, lunch was served. The staff set up a variety of sandwich fixings, veggies and fruit, and the girls chowed down! Next, they went upstairs to a fitness studio where they attended a youth yoga class. Most of the girls were inexperienced but all of them were down to give it a shot. They had another snack, then went swimming, played Marco Polo, raced each other in the water and went down the slide. The girls were cool and confident by staying active, trying new things, being kind and building relationships.Some of the girls knew each other from past Girls Inc. programming, but many didn’t know anyone. I empathized with them; it can be intimidating to be in a room full of strangers. We make it a point to not only build relationships with the girls but get the girls moving and talking to one another. The Girls Inc. mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold. The girls never cease to amaze me in how open and welcoming they are to new people and experiences. It didn't take long for them to start taking risks and getting to know each other. Over the course of the day, the girls' personalities began to merge and mesh, and the group chemistry was wonderful. By the time their adults came to pick them up, they had all become friends and didn't want to leave. Everyone is already looking forward to the next workshop!

When I asked a parent why she signs her daughter up for Girls Inc., she said, "I believe in the Girls Inc. mission and the empowerment it gives to young girls. I enjoy the fact that my daughter learns from other women and is surrounded by girls like her. They all learn from each other. Everytime she goes, she discovers something new."
Girls Inc. will offer two more workshops in the Spring of 2013. Find out more and learn about Girls Inc. at the YWCA of Minneapolis.