Eliminate the Intimidation Factor at New Women’s Weight Training Class

Women's Weight Training will be an empowering combination of instructional learning and a good workout. As a personal trainer, my specialties lie in women’s fitness, core strength and teaching neuromuscular activation of muscles.

Let's eliminate the intimidation factor women might sometimes feel when learning how to weight train!

Who should check out this class?

  • This class is meant for novices, as well as women at an intermediate level of weight training.
  • Join the class to learn something new or improve upon what you already know.

What will be incorporated into our training?

  • Exciting, new tips on form will be shared. For example, your knees may not have to stay behind your toes when you squat.
  • The squat bar and rack will be utilized, but prior to that, movement patterns will be learned using resistance bands, kettle bells, dumbbells and more.
  • Classes will alternate focuses of lower and upper body strength weekly, and core exercises will be integrated into each class.

About the Class

Women’s Weight Training

Date: Wednesdays, August 9 - September 13Time: 7:00 - 7:55 pmLocation: YWCA Uptown, on the Fitness FloorWomen’s Weight Training is one of many Small Group Training classes provided at YWCA Minneapolis. Check out the entire Summer B schedule here.

About the Instructor

Joy Claypoole, YWCA Personal Trainer

I recently completed four years as a NCAA athlete and am still an endurance competitor. I have a close eye for biomechanics of movement and will ensure weight lifting is done properly. I hope that you are as excited as I am to practice and learn more about weight training for women. You can be certain my training sessions will include tons of class energy, motivation from me and plenty of smiles.


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