GenYWCA Co-President, Sara Spiess, Wins Young Professional of the Year Award

Sara Spiess is Co-President of GenYWCA, a young professional’s group of the YWCA of Minneapolis that is dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women. She works full-time at the Science Museum of Minnesota in grants and government relations. Sara recently received a Young Professional of the Year Award from the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce (SPACC) in recognition of her achievements in the community as a volunteer and young professional. Below are her comments about receiving the award and attending the gala the SPACC held to honor award recipients. Follow the chatter on social media with #DiscoverYPro and #YWCAMpls
By: Sara SpiessOn Thursday, January 21 the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the first ever Discovered Gala – A Night Honoring the Brightest Young Professionals in the Twin Cities. It was a tremendous honor to receive an award for Young Professional of the Year, one of five given out to individuals making a difference in their companies and communities. I would like to thank everyone involved in making this a reality! The Gala was a wonderful, unforgettable evening. Everything was presented so beautifully at the elegant Saint Paul Hotel. Everyone looked amazing in black tie attire - not something you see every day for sure! The speakers were all fantastic; Senator Amy Klobuchar’s keynote remarks were a definite highlight and treat. I thank Mary Salisbury, YWCA of Minneapolis Development Officer, GenYWCA staff liaison, and overall rock star for generously spending an evening with me celebrating in style!It was great to see so many community members supporting the positive contributions that young professionals are making in the Twin Cities. I am extremely humbled to receive this recognition from my peers and from community leaders in attendance that evening. I would like to take this opportunity to underscore that this recognition in part would not have been possible without my active involvement in GenYWCA, the young professionals group of the YWCA of Minneapolis.The Gala, a truly memorable opportunity and experience, exemplifies just one of the ways in which my engagement in GenYWCA has given me the Power to Soar, to borrow a phrase from the YWCA of Minneapolis.  Following a passion for the mission of the YWCA of Minneapolis – to eliminate racism and empower women and girls – has brought me personal and professional rewards.  I encourage others who resonate with this mission to get involved and learn more about GenYWCA.The Discovered Gala was a true blessing and honor. Giving time, talent and treasure to an organization close to my heart is also a true blessing and honor. Please contact Mary at if you are interested in learning more about GenYWCA. Together we can do great things!

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