Girls Inc. Week: Girls are Agents of Change

Girls Inc. Week 2017 is May 8 - 12

This week is dedicated to bringing awareness to bullying and harassment and how girls can be agents of change.We encourage you to join the Girls Inc. National Pledge by showing your support online.

How Girls Inc. Girls Lead Change

Girls Inc. afterschool sites focus on leadership skill building and tackling issues of concern in the community. In the first phase, girls participate in activities that build on communication, teamwork and learning about female leaders both nationally and globally. In the second phase, girls lead as social change agents. They perform a problem assessment process and develop a community action project to address an issue of concern.

Projects in our 2016 - 2017 school year include:

  • Addressing gun violence through personal narratives
  • Hosting a bake sale for senior dogs in animal shelters
  • Leading a letter writing campaign for improving school facilities and school lunches
  • Fundraising for a domestic violence shelter
  • Educating the community on the gender wage gap

Raising Awareness: Sexual Harassment

The Girls Inc. participants at Seward Montessori chose the topic of sexual harassment. Using Girls Inc. curriculum, they learned how sexual harassment affects different people, and watched videos about how women are disproportionately affected by sexual harassment. The girls created a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to educate the community about the issue.

  • “I want to do this project because I know that it is important to shed light on this and make it so people are not afraid to speak about it.” - Sierra
  • “I want people to know getting sexually harassed is not normal and it is not just happening to you if it is.” - Piper
  • “I learned that 1 in 4 people get harassed sexually.” - Jennifer

Take the Pledge #InHerCorner

Girls Inc. at YWCA Minneapolis encourages girls to be change agents within their communities, boldly advocating for themselves and others. It takes all of us coming together to ensure girls feel safe in their schools, communities, and with their peers.

Together, we can put an end to bullying and harassment to create more inclusive, kind, safe and supportive schools and communities.


United Against Bullying and Harassment #InHerCorner


Local Partnership Shares Experiences of Women’s, Race and LGBT Rights