Help Her Thrive, Strive & Arrive on #GTMD19

During high school, Fanta was a participant in YWCA Minneapolis Girls and Youth programs where she learned about finances, connected with mentors and made strong friendships.YWCA Minneapolis Afterschool program alumn stands with her

"YWCA Filled the Gap for Me"

She says learning about money in an all-girl environment when she was young has been one of the most beneficial lessons in her life: “If you don’t have that kind of support from your family because they just immigrated here, you’re already kind of behind. YWCA Minneapolis was able to fill that gap for me.”

"Resources to Do More With Our Lives"

Fanta is now a senior at the University of Minnesota, where she has flourished. She has big plans after graduation – finding an internship with a public relations firm and eventually moving into government relations.The programs gave Fanta a foundation of confidence and belonging – and the biggest skill she came away with was resilience. “YWCA gave us resources to do more with our lives,” she says.Girls Inc. Participants at Power Girls Workshop in front of a lit light bulb

150,000 Students on Waitlists

Youth who have access to quality afterschool programs are more likely to succeed in school and life. But, nearly 150,000 students in Minnesota are on waitlists for these programs.A group of YWCA youth both sit and stand on the Capitol steps with a sign that read #YDAC

Give to the Max Day

Your Give to the Max Day gift to YWCA Minneapolis will go toward initiatives like our high-quality afterschool and summer programs that provide skill-building, support and mentorship for young people in the Twin Cities and give students like Fanta opportunities to thrive.SFF youth holding a vegetable proudly in a garden

With YWCA Minneapolis, Youth are Empowered

  • 81% of youth who complete YWCA Girls and Youth programs state they have a trusted adult they can go to for help

Girls RAP youth sitting in a circle and talking

With YWCA Minneapolis, Youth are Ready for College

  • 97% of youth who complete YWCA Girls and Youth programs intend to graduate from high school
  • 93% are planning to pursue post-secondary education

Make a gift today to create brighter futures for young people!

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Encouraging Lifelong Healthy Habits in Early Childhood Education


Electoral Justice: Paving a Path Toward Fair and Free Elections