Moms Can Be Athletes Too

As a mom of two active boys, I attended many, many of their sporting activities, including baseball, soccer, football, hockey, skiing lessons and more. I enjoyed every minute of it then and still do now! But I started realizing that my boys had never watched me in any sporting activity.

While I had been working out fairly routinely at YWCA Uptown, I always did so early in the morning while they slept. Maybe it was time for them to see that MOMS can be athletes too!

My First Triathlon

Since I’d been a swimmer (synchronized swimming in high school and college) and biker (as a commuter and weekend bike tripper), a triathlon seemed like a natural goal. So as my 50th birthday present to myself, I signed up for the YWCA Women’s Triathlon and a personal training program!

Proud of Their Mom

Six months later, I finished my first triathlon with my husband and boys cheering me over the finish line! I think they were proud of their mom! The boys are continuing in their sports activities, and, while I have had to take some years off, I continue to be one of the #MomsWhoTri!


Health and Wellness Vice President Taking Program to New Heights


Finding My Voice at YWCA