Something For Everyone: Spending Quality Family Time at YWCA

Why did you join YWCA Minneapolis?

We joined YWCA Minneapolis three years ago, shortly after our second child, Luke, was born. Before that, Nick and I had been members on and off for about 15 years. About two years ago, the company I was working for downsized and I suddenly became a stay-at-home dad with a whole lot of unstructured time on my hands. Sarah suggested we rejoin YWCA, so I didn’t go stir crazy alone in the house with a toddler. It’s been a boon for both my physical and mental health and we’ve been going steadily as a family ever since.

How would you describe the various classes YWCA offers?

Classes at YWCA Minneapolis work so well because they provide two super important elements to maintaining a fitness regimen: structure and direction. It’s easy to either neglect going to exercise, or arriving only to be utterly perplexed by the sheer number of machines, gear and specialized, esoteric equipment. But the classes provide a time to show up and people to help you figure out what you’re doing. And even if you decide not to take classes, I see the personal trainers out on the floor every day helping people figure out what exercises work best. They’re all pretty nice, too.

Which classes and programs do you and your family participate in?

I (Sarah) regularly take Pumped!, and occasionally do Zumba or Pilates classes. Luke, our 3-year-old, uses the Kids Zone about five days a week. Our daughter Louisa took swim lessons and we plan on doing the same with Luke when he gets a little older.

How have YWCA fitness memberships benefited your family?

I (Nick) have lost about 15 pounds since coming to YWCA regularly. While we’re all beautiful regardless of our size, it has cut down significantly on my snoring which has contributed greatly to a more peaceful home environment for everyone. The Kids Zone gives Luke an opportunity to socialize with other children and is incredibly helpful as he learns and develops his social skills. Lulu won a hat and insulated drink cup in the raffle the other night during the member appreciation party and that made her pretty dang happy. 

What advice do you have for other families who might be interested in joining?

Do it! For families with young kids, YWCA Minneapolis truly offers something for everyone. I love classes, Nick likes to run, and our kids both love going to the Kids Zone. Luke is happy to play with toys in the baby and toddler area, while Lulu loves the activities for older kids. And of course, both kids adore going to the pool and the family and appreciation events.Much of family life involves compromise and taking into account each person’s wants and needs. YWCA Minneapolis offers a respite from this balancing act – it is a healthy choice, and we all enjoying going!Join YWCA MinneapolisLearn about YWCA Fitness Membership


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