Standing Together: A Few Updates and Resources

Friday, March 20, 2020

Donate to the Emergency Fund

Greetings,As the COVID-19 pandemic touches every aspect of our lives, we want you to know you’re not alone. As promised, we will connect with you weekly to provide updates on our operations and share a few tips and resources that may be helpful as we navigate these challenging times together.To help ensure the safety and well-being of our YWCA Minneapolis community, we have made some tough decisions. After careful consideration, we have temporarily suspended operations at our three fitness facilities effective March 17, and our Early Childhood Education centers (except Abbott) beginning Monday, March 23. Our Early Childhood Education center at Abbott will continue to operate with the priority to serve families who are first responders and medical professionals answering the call to this pandemic.These decisions are incredibly difficult for the employees who work in these programs. And although we face financial challenges as a result of this pandemic, we have chosen to provide some relief to the employees impacted by these temporary closures. We also continue to provide regular updates to our employees about any relief and support offered on a state and federal level.In addition, we have canceled or postponed our public events through April. Our signature fundraising event, Circle of Women, is shifting to a virtual experience on April 29. We invite you to join us that day to celebrate and support our work.During these difficult times, YWCA Minneapolis continues to live its mission of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all in our community. While our fitness centers and early learning centers are temporarily closing, we are quickly adapting our Girls and Youth, Health and Wellness and Racial Justice programs to virtual models so that we can respond to the changing needs of our community.As we practice incorporating social distancing into our daily lives, here are a few articles and community resources you may consider. Please share them with your friends and family:How To Talk to Your Kids About CoronavirusSome Ways to Help Others During the PandemicFacts and Myths About Boosting Your Immune SystemWhat the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Could Mean for YouMeal Access While Minneapolis and Saint Paul Public Schools are ClosedFinancial Support for Those Whose Employment is Impacted by COVID-19Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of UncertaintyUndoubtedly, these are challenging times for social impact organizations like ours, dedicated to strengthening communities. We are actively monitoring the spread of coronavirus in our community and will continue to update you weekly, or more often as needed, as we assess the impact to our operations and staff. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to YWCA Minneapolis. Any amount helps as we make contingency plans for the near future.Please stay tuned for more details and opportunities to stay connected with YWCA Minneapolis. Follow us on social media and visit our facility notices and events pages for updates.COVID-19 has presented our community and YWCA Minneapolis with a challenge of unprecedented and epic proportions. However, YWCA Minneapolis has served, and continues to serve, our community for over 128 years. We will come through this better and stronger together.Be well and be safe. Thank you.Michelle Basham, MPA/ESQ.President and CEOYWCA MinneapolisDonate to the Emergency Fund


Continuing to Live Our Mission


COVID-19 Resources