April Workout Challenge Competition was Fierce!

The YWCA Fitness Department issued a challenge for April and members responded!The Challenge? Work out at the YWCA 20 times during the month of April, maintain a workout punch card and receive a prize. A total of 144 people responded and reached their goal -- and they received YWCA workout towels! In addition, we chose three members (one from each site) with completed cards to also receive a $50 YWCA Rewards card.Congratulations to all who completed the April 20 Workout Challenge!The April Workout Challenge drawing winners are:
  • Downtown: Samantha Drogue
  • Uptown: Kali Kane
  • Midtown: Alicia Conroy

We did a poll of members at Midtown and the top three favorite workouts were swimming, running/walking the track, and attending classes. The most frequent workouts were using the elliptical, swimming, and weights. If you missed this challenge, we plan to issue more challenges ahead. Thank you for participating in our April Workout Challenge!


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