Love for Log Rolling Began Early, Now a Profession

I began teaching others to log roll while I was still in high school, and saw firsthand the positive impact that learning to spin atop a floating log could have on children and adults. It was fun, challenging and addictive. When I married my high school sweetheart and moved to La Crosse, WI, I walked into the YWCA and offered to start a log rolling program. Luckily for me (and the future of log rolling), the enthusiastic Aquatics Director was undaunted by bringing a 500-pound lathe-turned western red cedar log down a flight of stairs and into her pool. She was a tipping point in the right direction.The La Crosse YWCA was the incubator for me to develop a model log rolling program for aquatic facilities. Over the years, with the cooperation and assistance of a great staff, we proved that log rolling lessons could safely take place in the pool, right alongside other aquatic classes. Hundreds of people learned to log roll, including my own four children. We hosted tournaments and slowly began to grow the sport as an indoor, winter activity. My involvement with the YWCA deepened when I joined the Board of Directors in the 1980s. I served with some of the most dynamic women in the community and learned the "ins and outs" of nonprofit organizations.

Sign up for our Adult Log Rolling and All-Ages Log Rolling classes.