Should I Keep a Gym Membership in the Spring and Summer?

I get it. Snow has melted, temperatures are rising, days are longer, and you’re itching to take your workouts back outside. Now is the time of year when you might be contemplating whether you should continue using your gym membership. Here are a few reasons why continuing to use your gym membership during the spring and summer months is a good thing.

Workout Flexibility

With your workout routine consisting of activities like yoga, swimming, running, biking, group fitness classes or strength training, YWCA can be considered the home base for your fitness plans. It is completely understandable to exercise in the summer sunshine and you should!However, utilizing the gym on days when the weather isn’t cooperating to do your weight lifting or get your sweat on in a spin class helps keep you in tip top shape and on track to meet your fitness goals. YWCA also offers a variety of outdoor fitness classes in the spring and summer months, like outdoor Zumba and a running intervals class on the outdoor track.


There is no better way to hold yourself accountable to reach your fitness goals than by meeting your friends for workouts. Remember when you set your New Year’s resolution a few months ago? Whether it was to walk an extra mile, add five more reps, lose a few pounds, or spin 10 more minutes, you have goals and have developed a routine to achieve them. Having a friend to go to the gym with or making new friends in a group fitness class keeps your routine fun and fresh. Use that teamwork at your YWCA as motivation to continue toning those muscles and sweating with a smile.


YWCA events in the summer are fun! Your YWCA gym isn’t just a place to break a sweat, but is a diverse family of first-time swimmers, community organizers, cancer survivors, world travelers, school teachers, and, oh, so many other people like you!

As a YWCA member this spring and summer, you can:

Plus, you can attend many of these event at a discounted rate just for being a member.Your YWCA has events happening year round, and you won’t want to miss any of them this spring and summer.


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